We would like to sincerely acknowledge the financial contributions made by individuals, families, and friends of St.Fachtna's Silver Band. Without your support, it's maintenance would be impossible.
If you would like to contribute to, or join the band, please contact us

Monday, 10 February 2014

New Year, New Plans

St.Fachtna's Silver Band playing in Skibbereen Town Square on Christmas Eve 2013

With January behind us, and the days getting longer and brighter (behind those curtains of rain), it's time to look ahead to 2014. Here the latest "band news":
  • St.Fachtna's Silver Band would once again like to actively recruit new members. An application has been made for a "Leader fund" for a new set of instruments. Confirmation of approval is expected around the end of February.
  • A number of band members are preparing for their Associated Board exams with the help of Ms.Heather Addey. We wish them the best of luck and encouragement!
  • All welcome to the St.Valentine's night table quiz at Kearney's Well, 9pm. €10 entry per person( €40 per table of 4). Complementary finger food and sandwiches provided.
  • Band recital on February 21st in Skibbereen at 8pm in support of the Emergency Services
  • The AGM will be held on March 7th 8:30pm at the band halls.
  • Watch out for our special Easter raffle - 1st prize is an original painting by local artist!