We would like to sincerely acknowledge the financial contributions made by individuals, families, and friends of St.Fachtna's Silver Band. Without your support, it's maintenance would be impossible.
If you would like to contribute to, or join the band, please contact us

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Engagements for the Festive Season

As usual, St.Fachtna's Silver band is now engrossed with rehearsals for this year's Festive Season.
The busy programme will commence with the recital of old time Christmas favourites for the turning on of the Christmas street lighting in Skibbereen Town square at 5pm on Friday 29th of November.
St.Fachtna's Silver band at Abbystrewery Carol Service
Visit our "Upcoming Events" page to see a full list of the advent programme.
On behalf of the management committee of the "Skibbereen Silver Band" we take this opportunity to wish a very Merry,Happy and Peaceful Christmas to all our many friends and supporters.

Monday, 21 October 2013

St.Fachtna's Silver Band marches in the Cork Rebel Parade

St,Fachtna's Silver Band joined an exciting array of marching bands from all over Europe at the Cork Rebel Parade last Saturday. Spielmanns- und Fanfarenzug Hahn-Nethen E.V, which was hosted by Skibbereen, lead the Skibbereen band down the steep Patrick's hill, right through the city centre to the docks, where crowds of excited people awaited them.

We'd like to thank Spielmanns- und Fanfarenzug Hahn-Nethen E.V for making this fantastic effort to visit and entertain us. Their enthusiasm, good humour and fun will inspire us for many years to come!

Friday, 18 October 2013

German band brings great vibe to Skibbereen!

Spielmanns- und Fanfarenzug Hahn Nethen in Skibbereen!

St.Fachtna's Silver band lead a vibrant parade through Skibbereen yesterday, with the visiting German band (Spielmanns- und Fanfarenzug Hahn Nethen) giving an exceptional experience to all!
The german band is due to play again tomorrow at the Skibbereen's farmer's market at 11am, after which they will be joined by St.Fachtna's Silver band in the Rebel Parade in Cork City at 4pm!

But before that, join St.Fachtna's silver band tonight - they will be giving another atmospheric recital in the Town Square at 7pm. You are so lucky to be living in Skibbereen!

History being made outside the Band halls in Skibbereen on Thursday 17th of October 2013
Spielmanns- und Fanfarenzug Hahn Nethen  performs together with St.Fachtna's Silver Band

Frank trying out
the German instruments...
Ms.Heather Addy conducting the two bands playing together
- an assemble of 70 musicians!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Singing in the rain...

St Fachtna's Silverband played to a soft drizzle in the peaceful town square of Skibbereen on Culture Night last Friday. If you didn't make it this year, make a note in your diary to be there next year - as its atmosphere is something special.
Culture Night, Skibbereen, 20.September 2013

A light drizzle and romantic lighting add to the peaceful atmosphere
 at the town square in Skibbereen on culture Night

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

St.Fachtna's Silver Band at Skibbereen Food Festival

The band has ensured a festive atmosphere from beginning to end of this year's food festival in Skibbereen, opening it in style at the Church Restaurant on the 3rd of September, and also playing at it's climax last Sunday. Join the band for more great music this coming Friday 20th of September: it's Culture Night!
Click on any image to enlarge.
Food Festival Opening at the Church Restaurant

Playing in the sunshine at Skibbereen Food Festival.

Monday, 2 September 2013

No rest for the Band this Autumn!

Encouraged by the ever-ready support of  its town council and townspeople, the Band continues in its commitment to provide an atmosphere of culture and ceremony throughout Co.Cork.
Come and join us on our very extensive Autumn programme.
3rd September   Church Restaurant Recital     7pm
15th September     Food Festival Recital        3pm
20th September      Culture Night         7pm

St.Fachtna's Silver Band reciting in Castletownshend this summer.

Monday, 19 August 2013

German band coming to Skibbereen.

 St.Fachtna's Silver band is practicing a selection of new marches in preparation for the visit of the German marching band:  Spielmanns- und Fanfarenzug Hahn Nethen,., which was formed in 1961 (not quite as old as us). The twinning will take place in Skibbereen this coming October.
German marching band coming to share some
 musical days with St.Fachtna's Silver Band

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Table Quiz Night

Thankyou All for your generous support on our Flag Day last Friday!
The Band will be holding a fundraising "Table Quiz" on Friday 23rd of August
at Baby Hannaha's
 at  9.00pm.
Fee: €40 per table for 4 people                                All Welcome!

St.Fachtna's Silver Band marching past Levis's Pub
at Ballydehob Festival on Sunday 11th August 2013

Festive atmosphere on the streets of Ballydehob
11th August 2013

Monday, 5 August 2013

Flagday on Friday 9th of August!

Members of St.Fachtna's Silver Band will be on the streets of Skibbereen all day this coming Friday, asking for your kind contributions. Support your local, historic band, without whom Skibbereen  would not be the same!
St.Fachtna's Silver Band marching down the steep, challenging
main street of Castletownshend on Friday 2nd of August,
 as part of the annual Maritime festival

Thursday, 25 July 2013

A busy summer for St.Fachtna's Silver Band

The band continues to enhance events all over West Cork throughout the summer: read our latest newsletter for more information. Click on any image below to enlarge photos.
StFachtna's Silver Band at recent charity event at the Skibbereen Fire Station

Pat O'Driscoll and the bass section
The children of the band

Preparations before Charity Swim Event in Tragumna

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The finishing touches in preparation of Band Championships

In preparation for the forthcoming South of Ireland Band championships,
the band has decided to do additional sectional practice for the next two weeks:
Monday 9.0pm Base section
Wednesday 8.30pm Euphonium and Trombone section
Friday 8pm Cornet section.

Monday, 17 June 2013

A Sousaphone joins the Band!

Visit our News page for details on the latest:

-A new musical instrument is presented to the Band
-Recent ABRSM written exams
-Upcoming competition in Clonakilty

Ms.Heather Addy, Seamus O'Brien and Pat O'Driscoll
with the Band's new Sousaphone

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Newsletter May 2013

Please visit the News page for our latest Newsletter
St.Fachtna's Silver Band at recent Eucharistic procession
in Skibbereen on Sunday 2nd of June

Monday, 20 May 2013

At recent friday night practice...

Cornets: Pauline O'Sullivan, Lynn Dixon and Megan Collins


 For more pictures taken at our recent band practice visit our Gallery

Monday, 29 April 2013

General Band Meeting

There is a Band General meeting set for:
Date: Sunday 9th,June 2013
Time: 12 O'Clock Noon
Venue: Band Hall, Skibbereen

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

St.Patrick's Day 2013 in Skibbereen

Strange looking characters join members of St.Fachtna's Silver Band
 (Pat O'`Driscoll and Seamus O'Brien) as they lead
 the parade through the streets of skibbereen.
To view more images please visit our Gallery

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

St Fachtna's Band leads Skibbereen's St.Patrick's Day Parade 2013

Crowds of delighted onlookers enjoy the festive atmosphere on St.Patrick's day in Skibbereen, West Cork, as St.Fachtna's Silver band leads the parade through the town's streets.
For more photos of St.Patrick's Day 2013, visit our Gallery