We would like to sincerely acknowledge the financial contributions made by individuals, families, and friends of St.Fachtna's Silver Band. Without your support, it's maintenance would be impossible.
If you would like to contribute to, or join the band, please contact us

Monday, 21 October 2013

St.Fachtna's Silver Band marches in the Cork Rebel Parade

St,Fachtna's Silver Band joined an exciting array of marching bands from all over Europe at the Cork Rebel Parade last Saturday. Spielmanns- und Fanfarenzug Hahn-Nethen E.V, which was hosted by Skibbereen, lead the Skibbereen band down the steep Patrick's hill, right through the city centre to the docks, where crowds of excited people awaited them.

We'd like to thank Spielmanns- und Fanfarenzug Hahn-Nethen E.V for making this fantastic effort to visit and entertain us. Their enthusiasm, good humour and fun will inspire us for many years to come!